1st Wellington Scout Group is run entirely by volunteers who give up their own time to help the Scout Group. There are three main types of volunteers; the Section Uniformed Leaders, the Adult Support and the Group Executive Committee, but the group could not run without the input of a multitude of other people, such as parents of the young people and Young Leaders (Explorer Scouts who help run section evenings).
Volunteering for Scouting is one of the most fun, rewarding and positive things you can ever do. You can give as much or a little time you like and we will match opportunities that fit your skills and time available. If you would like to have fun and make friends, earn professional qualifications and make a real difference to the lives of young people please contact us.
For anyone thinking of becoming a Scout, I say, go for it, come and join the big adventure.
Bear Grylls, UK Chief Scout
Why not contact us now and volunteer to help, all offers of help no matter how small are appreciated.